This is a quick reference notes I keep just in case I need to re-install and re-configure my FreeBSD server system.

  • Initial FreeBSD installation

    Download OS from the FreeBSD website, etc.
    Use sysinstall to get running the initial desired FreeBSD configuration.
  • Update ports collection from the FreeBSD site:

    - For the first time:
    portsnap fetch
    portsnap extract
    - Afterwards, instead of two two above:
    portsnap update
  • Install and configure text editor ne:

    cd /usr/ports/editors/ne
    make install clean
    Start ne, press F1(menu), chose /Pfers/Save Def Prefs - it creates a file ~/.ne/.default#ap.
    Edit file .default#ap: add line EscapeTime 250, copy file to other users' ~/.ne/ directory.
    From now you can use ne instead of vi editor.
    So use ne to set EDITOR=ne and shell aliases for users (edit ~/.profile files), so ne becomes your default editor on FreeBSD system:
    EDITOR=ne;      export EDITOR
    PAGER=less;     export PAGER
    If using PuTTY SSH shell to access the system - set backspace Key to Ctrl-H.
  • Change your shell to bash:

    Simply run the chsh (Change Shell) program, and change the Shell: line:
    Shell: /usr/local/bin/bash
  • Beautify/colorize directory listings:

    Add following alias lines or the ~/.profile file:
    alias ls='ls -G'
    alias ll='ls -lG'
    alias la='ls -lGAFo'
    This will add colors based on file type when viewing directory listing using commands la, ll and la.
  • Install text-based mail reader mutt:

    I couldn't do it though ports collection using make utility, neither mutt nor mutt-lite.
    Pull and install pre-compiled package from the FreeBSD repository website:
    pkg_add -r mutt-lite
    After initial try of the mutt, set its split-window option by editing file /usr/local/etc/Muttrc and adding pager_index_lines=10 there.
  • Configure ntpd Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon:

    Select public time servers from website.
    Create /etc/ntp.conf file and add a list of the few time servers there that is close to you location, for example:
    You can also set other systems on your network to use your FreeBSD Server for time synchronization. To make this more secure, add the following line to the /etc/ntp.conf file:
    restrict mask nomodify notrap
    (change IPs as required). This will allow access to the ntpd daemon only from the computers on your local subnet.
    Add ntpd daemon to the /etc/rc.conf so it starts starts at boot time:
    Type command ntpd to start daemon manually with default parameters.
  • Install Apache (apache22) port:

    This and few other steps below are described in details in other documentation - I may add some additional details here later.
  • Install MySQL port:

    That is mysql(XX)-server port.
    Afterwards don't forget to change/set MySQL' admin password:
    mysqladmin -u root password XXXXXXX
  • Install php5 port:

    cd /usr/ports/lang/php(5?)
    make isntall clean
    Ensure Apache is selected in the UI.
    Assign a php.ini file:
    cp /usr/local/etc/php.ini-recommended /usr/local/etc/php.ini
    You can see differences between php.ini-dist and php.ini-recommended versions using diff utility:
    diff /usr/local/etc/php.ini-dist /usr/local/etc/php.ini-recommended
    Edit php.ini file:

    To configure Apache for PHP, install additional ports (as required):

    • Install PHP PCRE port:
      cd /usr/ports/devel/php5-pcre
      make isntall
      make clean
    • Install PHP5 Mysqli
      dc  /usr/ports/databases/php5-mysqli
      make isntall
      make clean
    • install php5-ctype
      cd /usr/ports/textproc/php5-ctype
      make config
      make install
      make clean
    • install php5-gd
      cd /usr/ports/graphics/php5-gd
      make install
      make clean
      (accept default checkboxes settings)
    • install php5-zlib
      make install
      make clean
  • Enable Apache, PHP and MySQL at boot:

    Edit /etc/rc.conf and add the following lines:
    To avoid warning when apache starts, also add this line:
  • Configure newsyslog.conf to rotate Apache httpd logs:

    Monthly (see man newsyslog.conf for more info):
    add lines to the /etc/newsyslog.conf:
    /var/log/my_log_filename.log       644  10000 *    $M1D0 J
  • Tips for create a backup script on FreeBSD/Linux:

    I needed to create a simple script that periodically makes backup copy of some working directories and files. This can be dine using newsyslog which will rotate log files (0...9), however I would prefer if log filenames have a date in them. Here is how it can be done in the script:
    	#delete archives older than X days:
    find /bkpdir/ -name '*.tbz2' -maxdepth 1 \! \( -newermt '20 days ago' \) -delete
    	# make 'dated' backup:
    tar -cyf /bkpdir/system_bkp_$(date +%Y-%m-%d).tbz2 /bkpdir/bkp
    To setup periodic backup procedure that executes your run_bkp backup script, add lines to the /etc/crontab file:
    15      6       *       *       1       root    /root/run_bkp
    15      6       *       *       4       root    /root/run_bkp
